Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Japanese Music

As I've said before, I really have no exposure to Japanese music. I've heard a couple Utada Hikaru songs, but that's not really the kind of music I like to listen to. Today begins my quest to find some Japanese music that I like, which shouldn't be too hard considering the diversity of my musical interests (hopefully). In any case, an suggestions would be much appreciated as it seems many of you know much more about modern Japanese music/culture than I do. In any case, here is my first foray into uncharted territories:

Looks like something off nico :(

"Their '92 outfits remind me of Fremen stillsuits." (actually most of you probably won't get that joke)

lol wut :(

getting better...

"Sometimes I get the feeling that the guitarist was so impressed with the tone that he forgot to write a good song."

Finally hit something familiar, although I usually have to be in the mood for metal.

I'm liking Dabo, he's got some nice beats. Of course, it's a little hard to appreciate as I can't understand the lyrics...

This is good stuff right here.

I like this too, even though it still sounds popish to me.

Wikipedia was helpful, but I feel like it would be better to ask Japanese my age what they listen to...I only ended up finding a couple artists that I liked.

Edit: I went through the Oricon top10...the UVERworld song was good until they started playing. From looking around elsewhere, it seems that pop dominates the music scene, so it's not surprising I couldn't find anything in the Oricon charts.


クレーブン said...

Correction, people who haven't read Dune wouldn't get that joke.
I have yet to actually finish the series though.

bstevenson said...

Haha well I just assumed most people haven't read Dune. I actually compared one of the books we read in my Japanese lit class last semester to Dune...one kid got it.

クレーブン said...

What lit class did you take last year? I'm looking for a good one to take maybe next semester.

bstevenson said...

It was a University Seminar. I think the title was just East Asian Lit or something, but it was all Japanese books. Prof. Brownstein taught it.