Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Verb Usage

きょはげつよびです。 あさ なにを しますか? まいにち シャワーを あびます。 つぎ、 ぼくは あさごはんを たべます。 まいあさ、 じゅぎょうが あります。 ひる ぼくは べんきょうします。 ひるごはんを たべません。 ばん テレビを みます。 まいばん ねます。

I'm sure most of our paragraphs will be be pretty similar as we only know so many verbs, but it's still really nice to be able to describe something besides time, year in school, nationality, etc. It feels like we're really making progress through the material. The meetings for study abroad are beginning already, and it's only keeping Sophia on my mind. I've been listening to a lot of chilled electronic music lately which brings to mind Lost in Translation. Of course, I'd feel a lot better making musical associations with Japan if the music was actually Japanese; the search continues. In the meantime, I'll continue to enjoy Wasted Space and Bassnectar:

I'm still looking for input on Japanese music, so please feel free to comment with some of your favorite Japanese artists.


Kyle Maierhofer said...

Im a big bassnectar fan. Gotta love the womp.

クレーブン said...

Stevensonさん ひるごはんを たべませんか? I don't know how you make it through the day.
Ha, thanks for listening to my show! I really appreciate it. I had a handful of people listening on Sunday but that's more than I've ever had...pretty sad, huh.

bstevenson said...

Word. I'm definitely going to see them when they play in Chicago this fall.

Yea I don't know, I don't mind it that much. And yea, I thought it was a great show. It's nice to have a good radio station to listen to here. Usually I just listen to random streams.

Natalie said...

Totally get you on the study abroad dealio. I just want to know if I'm in or not so I can just look forward to the opportunity and not have to worry about any silly thing like the application/awaiting a reply. =P

Darin said...

いいえ、 こうひいを のみません。I never could get past the awful taste of coffee. I do however drink vast quantities of energy drinks. So that's just as good. 

Aedan said...

ぼくは ぽんよが すきです、でも it could have been better. i dont want to tell you not to watch it altogether though! studying every afternoon though? i don't know if you can say it like this, but べんきょが すきじゃないです。

ランダース said...

がっこうで ごご じゅいちじ ねます。 うちで ごぜん ごじ ねます。 :)
せんこうわ なんですか?

PGA8911 said...

I need to start listening to some Japanese music also, it could probably help with my pronounciation and just get me use to hearing the language spoken in another context outside of the classroom.

Kaylen Ha said...

スティーブンソン さん、いつ とうきょうに いきますか? Ahhh, I wish I could do study abroad at Sophia! yep I totally loved it there when I visited over the summer so I think I might do an intensive language program in Tokyo next year :D